Friday, October 25, 2019

Lis Addison workshop Tues Evening, Nov 5th ~ at Anita's Stark's Home Studio

Hello Everyone,

Rarely do I hold workshops at my home studio.  I have chosen to host Lis after spending time dancing with her in my space, talking over coffee and understanding that she brings value to my life.  I want to be facilitated by her and this gifted body of work she has created.  Join us on this Tuesday evening  in the presence of other like minded beings in the intimacy and warmth of my home studio.

I hope to bring together a sweet intimate group for a lovely fall evening.  Are you in?

Join me by contacting me at 503-310-2864 or to send in your deposit and secure your space.  

Yes the workshop is a week or so away.  Spontaneity ~ what can I say!!!!  Spontaneity needs very little lead time…….