Friday, January 3, 2014

Shoulder Girdle ~ Sensing Your Wings

Set Your Wings Free
F   L  Y

"When you have tension anywhere in your body you can’t fly. 
You can’t even stand up straight, 
breathe deeply, 
or for that matter, 
feel really good." Debbie Rosas

Discover how to release tension in your body
through your shoulder girdle.
We will visualize, walk, dance, take off and soar with our wings!

Bring your Sensation Scientist!

Workshop and Classes at the MAC
Jan 7th, Tues, 8am, Studio 3
Regular Classes 
Mon 7am
Tues/Thurs 9:00
Tues/Thurs 8:30 am
Sun 9:30 am

Anita' Studio
Wed and Fri
9-10:15 am
contact for address

With Love,