Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sept Schedule at Anita's Classes ~ 2 Fridays Added

Glorious End of Summer Dancing
Anita's Studio

Classes to the end of Sept:
Wed 9/19 8:30 am (followed by coffee chat***)
Fri 9/21 8:30 am
Wed 9/26 8:30 am
Fri 9/28 8:30 am
Please RSVP

***Coffee Chat ~ let's brainstorm which classes to add to the schedule and
a new class card model and visit! (RSVP 9:45 - 10:45 am)

Through the end of September you will be dancing
HUMANITY AYA VIBE and much more

Women's Retreat is Oct 6th here at Anita's Studio
Sign up NOW for the early bird discount:)
Awaken Your INNER Dancer