Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hello June!

Hello June!

Summer dancing  has arrived!

Dancing at the MAC
all classes scheduled as normal
anita will be on vacation 6/17-6/26 (subs will be arranged)

Anita's Studio (everyone welcome)
vacation season is beginning
PLEASE let me know the classes you will be attending by RSVP'ing to this email
and COMMITTING your name beside the date
 Wed 6/1
Fri 6/3
Mon 6/6
Wed 6/8
Fri 6/10
Mon 6/13
Wed 6/15
6/17 - 6/26 Anita on vacation ~ studio closed
Mon 6/27
Wed 6/29

StudioNia (HQ downtown
5:45 pm Wednesdays
6/1, 6/8,6/15

Thank you for continuing to explore ways to playfully express yourSELF, find functionality in your movement and
provide health and happiness to this wonderful community of movers.

In gratitude,