Sunday, December 6, 2015

Bailando Routine Immersion Dec 14th

Heat UP December 14th with the Bailando! NIA Routine
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Heat it Up with the NIA Routine Bailando! PlayShop
December 14th, 11:30am - 2:30pm

SIZZLE with this lively routine spotlighting the hips, head and heart.
Bringing passion into your dance with high octane latin vibes!

Bailando! inspires you to let loose and blend movement with body alchemy,
expressing sensuality and strength in your dance
as well as challenging the brain with new patterns.

This routine immersion playshop is designed to take you deeper into your NIA practice. Learn the moves, so you can energize the moves and take your body, mind and emotions to the full expression of the JOY of movement!


Come embody the JOY OF MOVEMENT!

Dress to Sizzle!

at Anita's Studio
4625 SW 53rd Avenue
Click here to register

Mi Amor,
