Monday, July 13, 2015

Class Dedication #livingnia #throughmovementwefindhealth

Good Morning,
Please join me  tomorrow at our 9 am NIA Class for a MAGICal healing Dance for Del and Kaki Brenneman.  Kaki dances with all of us on a regular basis in our classes at the MAC.  We will be dedicating the class to Del, whose life force has been shifting into a "new normal" with Adenocarcinoma, yep the big C, stage 4. The optimal  treatment for Del is a new trial immunotherapy treatment and SUPPORT.  
I have thought long and hard about what can we do for Kaki and Del as a tribe.  The answer ~ a NIA class dedication ~ a collective and powerful way join together to create a healing dedication as we purposely dance  "Through Movement We Find Health".
If you like, wear something colorful and healing ~ pinks and purples are lovely but really express yourself in your own unique way.  Show up for yourSELF and for Del and Kaki.  

I will see you on the dance floor.

Thank you and Experience the Joy of Movement,
