Thursday, December 5, 2013

Oooh! It's cold outside ~ Come and Dance!

Oooh it's cold outside!
Warm up those joints
Come and Dance NIA
at Anita's Classes 

Tomorrow ~ Fri
9-10:15 am


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Awareness of the Head: Sensing Up

"In Nia, 
we perceive the head as the place where energy is directed; 
the chest where energy is exchanged; 
and the pelvis where energy is contained."(Debbie Rosas)

Join me in opening up to movement of your head.
"Over time, you will be able to tolerate larger amounts of energy moving in your head and neck and through the vestibular system. 
You’ll be able to turn, spin, and move up and down from the floor 
and at different speeds without getting dizzy. 
You’ll also be able to change directions quickly without feeling nausea or fear." (Debbie Rosas)

We will release tension and move up!

Come prepared to move with intention.

December Focus
Anita's Classes
Wed and Fri
9-10:15 am

MAC Club 
December Focus
Awareness of Head Workshop Dec 3rd 8-9am

My Best
Anita Stark
NIA Black Belt Facilitator

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dancing Gratitude

We will have class 
Wed and Fri of Thanksgiving week at Anita's Classes
9am -10:15 am

and on Thanksgiving Day 
at the MAC Club 8:30 - 10:00 am

Dancing in the bliss of sunshine!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Awareness of the Spine ~ Workshop and OCT Class Focus

Yes, I have scoliosis AND I have a healthy spine  
~thanks to The NIA Technique~
 and my on-going quest to find comfort and pleasure in moving my spine.

NIA has helped me realize that regardless of how my bones are shaped,
my body is designed to move and feel shapes and space.

I choose NIA daily as my movement meditation and 
to not ignore misalignments 
but to sense through movement what a healthy spine feels like
so that I maintain heathy nerves, muscles and joints.

Join me in "X-raying" our spines with NIA dance
and recognizing the many NIA movement approaches 
for keeping your spine in tip-top shape. 

Anita's Classes
Wed and Fri
9 am - 10:15 am

Or join me for a MAC workshop
Oct 8th, Tues, 8 am - 9 am
THE MAC, Studio 3
And classes at the MAC Mon, T/Th and Sun

My Best
Anita Stark
NIA Black Belt Facilitator

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Anita's Classes ~ Starting on Time 9 am - 10:15 am

Hello Lovely Dancers,

Today the fall light in the dojo was brilliant and the dancing was divine.  Thank you all so much for dancing at Anita's Classes.

From this day forward we will begin class at 9 am. 
The dojo opens at 8:45 am.  
If you come late ~ that is OK ~ 
come in and go through the Cycles that you may have missed on your own

There are 7 cycles to your class.  Cycles take into consideration that you are never the same on any two days, or, for that matter, from moment to moment. The seven cycles remain the same, however the Nia experience changes continuously based on the focus, music, moves and class intent.

Cycle 1: Set the Focus and Intent – What You Place Your Attention On
The focus is what you place your attention on. The intent is your desired outcome. The first 3-5 minute cycle is designed to share both objective and subjective information that will enhance your awareness and experience in class.
Cycle 2: Step In – Create the Space to Workout
Stepping In is the act of leaving behind distractions. Stepping In stimulates the body, mind, emotions, and spirit connection by helping you create space to workout. Activate your sensory awareness as the starting point for all body-centered action. 
Cycle 3: Warm Up – Prepare Your Heart, Lungs, and 13 Joints
Warm-up by consciously activating the flow of energy through your heart, lungs and thirteen primary joints. Warming-up increases body heat and respiration, and initiates your movement through all three planes: low, middle, and high. 
Cycle 4: Get Moving – Energize the Moves to Reach a Peak
Get Moving is the action of using increased ranges of motion, speed and intensity to condition the heart, lungs, muscles and joints. Activate your cardiovascular system using speed and shorter and longer splashes of intensity. Move more dynamically through space and the three planes of movement: low, middle and high. 
Cycle 5: Cool Down – Calm, Harmonize, and Re-center
Cool Down by decreasing your intensity level, slowing your speed and allowing your heart rate to cool down. Activate your Conscious Personal Trainer to stretch, re-center, reflect, and prepare to move your body towards the floor.
Cycle 6: Floorplay – Fitness on the Floor
Floorplay uses the elements of play, gravity, the floor, space, time and sound to condition the body with FAMSS–flexibility, agility, mobility, strength and stability. Take advantage of the heat and pliability generated from your previous movements; this allows you to stretch and open your joints more fully. In Floorplay, use your body as free weight to condition your muscles and joints. 
Cycle 7: Step Out – Transition Into Your Next Activity                                                                                                                                  Step Out by transitioning into your next activity with an awareness of the fitness and self-healing benefits you have received from your movement. Stepping out is a physical action you take to symbolize the end of every class,  creating a container for movement to carry with you throughout your life.  
Cycles from the NIA White Belt
I hope to see more of you in classes.  Let's continue to create joyful community together:) 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Wed and Fri are back at Anita's Classes

Now that Fall is arriving, I am back into the swing of dancing 6 days a week.  You can join me at the MAC or my Home Studio.
At my home studio classes are once again Wed and Fri 9 -10:15 am.
Look forward to seeing you soon!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Anita's Classes Summer Schedule

Hello Darling Dancers,

Thank you all for your schedule input.  Our lives are full and our desires are many ~ but our bodies can only attempt to do so much in one Oregon summer!

Through August 30th I will teach only on Wednesdays from 9-10:15 am at my home studio.

Here are the Wednesdays that I will teach:

6/26 Wed
7/3 Wed
7/10 Wed
7/17 Wed 
7/24 Wed 
8/7 Wed
8/14 Wed
8/21 Wed
8/28 Wed

Beginning on Sept 4th, I will return joyfully to teaching on Wed and Fri morning from 9 am - 10:15 am.

I hope to see many of you throughout the summer.  T

The classes in the summer will be $12 per class.  You are welcome to pay in advance or pay as you come to dance!

See you Wed morning.  Bring a friend to class anytime!

This week we finish up the knees and next week we start with the thigh bones ~ mmmm sexy!


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Awareness of Knees Tips!

This morning I completed the "Awareness of Knees" workshop at the MAC and had a magical turnout.  I thought I would share a few simple tips from the workshop! Love this body of work ~ thank you Debbie Rosas! Here you go:

A nice image of the bones forming the knee to keep in mind while using this powerful hinge joint.  Print and put it somewhere so you can understand your knee movement. My image  is currently  taped up on my kitchen refrigerator.

Using the 3 stages of learning ~ Look, Listen and Imagine ~ to help you to become aware of the design and function of YOUR knees.

3 Simple techniques from today's workshop to practice to help you feel the sensation of healthy knees:

1.  Become aware of the healthy knees by softening the knees to feel the joint space rather than protecting the knees and locking the knees. Go to your hip and ankle joints and find mobility and stability ~ hese two joints have a great deal of mobility and space and stability.  Imagine yours knees being "supported" by the ankle and knee joints.  Then you can relax the knees just like your elbow joint.

2. Stand, Walk, Sit with feet hip width apart and parallel.  If your feet are turned out or turned in without intention then the hip is pointing forward but the foot is turned out or in.  This leaves the knee torquing to balance out the two directions of the foot and hip creating strain on the knee joint, ligaments and tendons.  This is a simple technique and a process of re-learning and re-leasing from habitual movement.  Be Parallel and Hip Width Apart. Look at your feet when you are standing, walking and sitting ~ look.  Then look/listen in the direction your feet are pointing while you are standing, walking and sitting ~ listen.  Look, listen, imagine your feet on two tracks like a train or cross county ski's ~ imagine.  

3. Wag your tail.  If you cannot wag your tail then your knees are locked, which leads to stiff knees, which leads to tight ankles. Wag your tail, unlock your knees and feel the space under your femur, behind your patella and above the tibia.  Look, Listen, Imagine.

My goal as a NIA Facilitator and Educator is to help you move comfortably in your body!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Springtime Dancing with the Knees

Yes, Yes, Yes

It is Raining Outside
the Sun is Out

Perfect for Rainbows.

Springtime Dancing!

See you at Anita's Studio

Wed and Fri ~ 9 am - 10:15 am

Focus on Knees ~ Opening and Closing

or at the MAC

June 4th workshop at 8 am on Knees

Photo from Kahneeta Memorial Weekend at 5:16 am Sunrise Monday Morning Hike to the Top!!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Dancin' Shinbones

Seriously now ~ we will be dancing the Shinbones through the month of May in Anita's NIA Classes at the Home Studio and at the MAC Club.  MAC workshop also on 5/7, Tues @ 8 am ~ Awareness of Shinbones ~ Sensing Vertical Precision. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

May Focus ~ Awareness of Shinbones

Awareness of Shinbones

Sensing Vertical Precision

Through the month of May at the MAC and Anita's Studio 
we will explore the shinbones which are nested in the lower leg 
and provide vertical precision, stability and strength to our upper leg.   
Unhealthy shinbones lead to a feeling 
of unsteadiness or immobility in the ankle, knee and hip.  
Learn simple techniques to keep 
the shin bones healthy, mobile and stable from the ground up.

Anita's Studio
Every Wed & Fri morning
9:00 - 10 :15 am

MAC Schedule
NIA ~ Mon 7 am, Tues/Thurs 9 am, Sun 10 am
Floorplay ~ Tues/Thurs 8:30 am, Sun 9:30 am

MAC Workshop ~ Awareness of Shinbones
Tues, May 7th, 8-9 am, 
Studio 3  Cost: $8  NIA 57  

Anita Stark, NIA Black Belt Facilitator and Educator

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sweet Wisteria, Sweet Dance

the Wisteria is surrounding the dojo with its sweet aroma.
See you at Anita's Studio Wed and/or Fri this week.
9 - 10:15 am

Love Anita

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Thank You for Dancing this week

It has been the perfect elixir of gratitude 
to carry me through some very full days.

See you at Anita's Studio or at the MAC.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April NIA Schedule at Anita's Classes and the MAC

Dynamic Ankles
Nurture a healthy and collaborative relationship 
between your feet, ankle joints and legs 
to provide a dynamic foundation for your entire body.

Join me for the 1 hour workshop:




To register or just drop in and register on site!
Cost $8

We will explore the theme of the ankles through the month of April!

Please note there will be no Floor Play on Thursday, April 4th.

AND you are always welcome to dance at my home studio
every Wed/Fri morning from 9:00 am - 10:15 am.
$14 drop-in and class cards available.

Happy Spring,

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dancing Feet ~ Anita's NIA Schedule through March

Hello Dancing Feet

Through the end of March

THINK, SENSE, FEEL your Dancing Dialogue with your Feet.

I will not have class at Anita's Studio on:
Fri 3/22 9 am
Wed 3/27 9am
(I will extend all expiration date cards one week)

will not have class at the MAC Club on the following 2 days:
Sun 3/24 10 am
Mon 3/25 7 am

And mark your calendar for the next workshop at the MAC:


See you on the dance floor,


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Focus on the Foot

Hi All,

Thank you for attending this mornings Awareness of the Foot MAC workshop and continually studying your road map to your body's intelligence.

We will continue the focus on Feet through the month of March.

Next Workshop is on the Ankles at 8 am on Thursday, 4/4/2013 at the MAC.

In the meantime, focus on your heal lead and allowing the foot to spread forward, backward and out through the inner and outer edges.

"Plug-in lightly" lightly to the earth.

Feel all 26 bones in each foot.  7000 nerve endings in each foot.  Sensing stability, feeling mobility.

Floor Play on Thurs at 8:30 am with the focus on the feet followed by 9 am NIA at the MAC!  Yumm!

OR Wed 9 am NIA followed by Floor Play at Anita's Studio! Delicious!



Friday, March 1, 2013

March Focus ~ Awareness of Feet

Awareness of Feet
Sensing the Hands that Touch the Earth

Sometimes our feet are literally the furthest idea from our mind

and yet they support our whole body with every step we take in our day.
Consider consciously committing to sensing the soft and strong connections

 that our feet upload to our body through the earth.

We will explore the theme of the feet through the month of March!

*  *  *
at Anita's Classes
Wed/Fri morning from 9:00 am - 10:15 am
Please note:  we will not have class:
Fri, March 22nd

*  *  *

at the MAC
Join me for a 1 hour workshop, Tuesday, March 5th at 8 am

We will explore the common NIA movements that we utilize in our NIA practice
and how they create healing for the feet.

Awareness of Feet
Sensing the Hands that Touch the Earth
To register or just drop in and register on site!

Cost $8

Anita's Studio
NIA Black Belt Facilitator
4625 SW 53rd Avenue
Portland, OR 97221

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One Billion Rising 

Dance to stop violence against women and girls!

Where~ever you may be on Thursday February 14th,


and know you are in good company ~ we are all dancing with you.


wear red and black to strike, dance and rise

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Break the Cycle of Violence against Women and Girls

Hello Everyone,

This Valentines Day I will be devoting our 9:00 am NIA Dance Class in alliance with in an effort to realize our collective strength and solidarity across borders to end violence against women and girls.  Show your solidarity and wear red and dance on Thursday and let's Break the Cycle.  Come as you always do ~ with your beautiful minds and hearts!

If you would like to know more about One Billion Rising click here:

I am looking forward to our dance!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

February Focus ~ Awareness of Joints: Sensing Mobility

Awareness of Joints
Sensing Mobility

Movement is key to living a long and healthy life. 
Movement is a sign of youth, health, fitness and well-being.
While there are lots of body parts that make motion possible, 
JOINTS provide us with some of the most important mechanics for moving.
There are 13 primary joints in the body, 
and each provides you with various degrees of mobility and stability. 
When joints are healthy, you experience the proper balance between stability and mobility. 
You have the power to move in all kinds of ways–vertically, horizontally, and in circles and spirals–at any speed.
Spring load your body from your joints and 

experience  what your ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, shoulder joints and spinal chord do!

Let's Find Out!

Awareness of Joints: Sensing Mobility while Maintaining Stability

Cost $5

To register or just drop in and register on site!


We will explore this theme through the month of February in all of Anita's NIA Classes!

*  *  *
AND you are always welcome to dance at my home studio 
every Wed/Fri morning from 9:00 am - 10:15 am. $14 drop-in and class cards available.


Friday, January 18, 2013

New Class time at Anita's Studio 9 - 10:15 am

Hi Lovelys,
I am shifting the time on the Wed and Fri NIA Classes at my studio to
9:00 - 10:15 am

Come and chat with the community at 8:45 am 
and dance at 9:00 am.  

If you have any feedback, do please drop me a note.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Anatomy in Motion ~ Know Your Bones

Hi NIA Loves~ 
Enjoy this from Anatomy in Motion
Did You Know: The adult human skeletal system consists of 206 bones, as well as a network of tendons, ligaments and cartilage that connects them. The skeletal system performs vital functions — support, movement, protection, blood cell production, calcium storage and endocrine regulation — that enable us to move through our daily lives.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Yes it is snowing and we are dancing NIA this AM

YESSSS it is snowing.  Leave yourSELF plenty of time to get to the MAC NIA Class today at 9:00am.  Patience.... and if you arrive late to class ~  that is ok.  Snow is a beautiful time to spend reflective time with your body, mind, emotions and soul.  The dance of reflection today!