Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Last chance to dance 2017 is Wednesday, 12/27

At Anita’s Studio
Wed 12/27 at 9 am
DANCING to this playlist, with YOU on the dance floor
bring your loved ones or love yourself and bring yourself

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Remaining 2017 Schedule at Anita's Studio

Remaining 2017 schedule (can you believe it)


11/17 Fri
11/20 - 11/24 Anita’s Studio Closed ~ Happy Thanksgiving
11/27 Mon
11/29 Wed
12/1 Mon
12/4 Mon
12/6 Wed
12/8 Fri
12/11 Mon 
12/13 Wed
12/15 Fri
12/18 - 12/26 Anita’s Studio Closed ~ Happy Holidays
12/27 Wed
1/1 Mon NO CLASS ~ Happy 2018
1/3 Wed Classes resume
1/5 Fri

BTW the 12/27 and 12/29 classes are favorites of mine.  
You often bring your friends and family who are in town visiting.
All are welcome!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

GRATITUDE ~ 1 minute read

Over my 27 years of teaching NIA I often receive "gratitude" notes from those who take class from me. I want to share this particular insight about self-awareness/healing from our community. Here is just one that I received the other day ~ I respect the privacy of every dancer and share this anonymously and with permission. I love the way this practitioner relates this bounty of work to spatial exploration on the dance floor and in the forest. EnJOY.... a 1 minute read: Hi Anita. I am really enjoying the way you always bring new movement explorations to our practice. What I have been noticing lately is more flexibility in my chest and rib cage. I realize that it is not uncommon for me to just hold my chest rigid. This is probably partly due to my asthma, which fortunately is much better than it used to be. I have spent decades splinting my chest, holding it rigid, just to allow air flow. As I get more mobility I feel an incredible sense of ease. I also like doing movements to "2 o'clock, 10 o'clock, 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock. The usual axis for most of our activity is 12 and 6. The next most common axis is 3 and 9. Beginning to move intentionally into the in between axes( yes this is the plural of axis, I looked it up!) gets us off our usual paths into the territory in between that has always bee there, but that we don't often enter intentionally because of our habits. It is similar to what I have discovered by mushrooming where you have to get off the trails (where it is allowed like in state and federal forests) to find the mushrooms. Suddenly you realize you have been living on a narrow path in the woods and you discover an entire world that you have in the past simply passed by. I feel the same thing is happening with my body, whether I am reaching in to 5:30 or 2:15, or going down, rolling on the floor and standing up on my tippy toes. I learn there is freedom for my body, and by extension for my spirit and my life that I am just beginning to explore. As always, thank you! Thank you helping me to ground, helping me to soar, helping me to dance, helping me to live fully! From Anita: I AM SO THANKFUL!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

NOVEMBER CLASSES at Anita's Studio

PLEASE RSVP to the classes you will be attending in November
to the best of your knowledge
11/1 Wed
11/3 Fri
11/6 Mon
11/8 Wed
11/10 Fri
11/13 Mon
11/15 Wed
11/17 Fri
11/20-11/27 taking my turkey to Malibu to celebrate Thanksgiving
11/27 Mon
11/29 Wed



Monday, September 4, 2017

Fall NIA Schedule at Anita's Studio

I am ready for the shift to cooler weather, schedules settling and the changing colors of fall.

Below is the fall schedule (Sept/Oct) for Anita’s Studio.

Classes are 9:00 am - 10:15 am

9/6 Wed
9/8 Fri
9/11 Mon
9/13 Wed
9/18 Mon 
9/20 Wed
9/22 Fri
9/25 Mon
9/27 Wed
10/2 Mon
10/4 Wed
10/6 Fri
10/9 Mon
10/11 Wed
10/13 Fri
10/16 Mon
10/18 Wed
10/20 Fri
10/23 Mon 
10/25 Wed
10/27 Fri
10/30 Mon

See you on the dance floor.


Saturday, August 12, 2017

PLEASE READ: Adjustment to final August Schedule For Anita's Classes ~ no Mondays

Good Morning Dancers,

I need to make an adjustment to our remaining August schedule.  We are shifting to just Wednesdays til the end of August.

Here are the remaining classes through August:

Wed 8/16
Wed 8/23
Wed 8/30

Classes will resume to full schedule Mon, Wed, Fri beginning Sept 6th.

one compassionate heart attracts another,

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Hi Summer Beauties,

Below are the dates for the Summer Schedule at Anita’s Studio. 

NOTE no Friday classes during July and August.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE RSVP so we can get some dancing in to keep us all fit and strong for summer time play time.

If your new to our dance community, please contact me at, call or text 503-310-2864. 

Mon June 26 Wed June 28

Wed July 5 Mon July 10 Wed July 12 FRI JULY 14th NO CLASS at Anita’s Studio and  NIA at the Beach on Fri July 14th ~ overnite beach trip ~ thank you HEIDI!!!!!
Mon July 17 Wed July19 Mon July 24 Wed July 26 Mon July 31

Wed Aug 2ANITA”S STUDIO CLOSED 8/6-8/12Mon Aug 14Wed Aug 16Mon Aug 21Wed Aug 23Mon Aug 28Wed Aug 30

Mon, Wed, Fri class schedule resumes Sept 6th!



Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Studio Closed May 26-June 7th ~ back on the dance floor, Fri June 9th

Hi Dancers,

I am taking a vacation!  WHOOT WHOOT! 

So my studio will be closed 
May 26-June 7th ~ back on the dance floor, Fri June 9th.

I will send out the June schedule when I return but plan on every MWF in June starting June 9th!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

May NIA at Anita's Studio

Let’s do this!

May Schedule at Anita’s Studio
please RSVP
5/1 Mon
5/3 Wed
5/5 Fri
5/8 Mon
5/10 Wed
5/12 Fri
5/15 Mon
5/17 Wed
5/19 Fri
5/22 Mon
5/24 Wed
5/26 Fri 
I will be gone until June 7th 
classes resume Fri, June 9th.


Monday, March 27, 2017

March Dance Wed 3/29 then Dancing with the April Showers at Anita's Studio ~ Please RSVP

Wed March 29 we will have class!
No Class Fri March 31 
Thank you for Dancing in March ~ your dedication on the dance floor has been absolutely amazing!

Please RSVP with your April Dance Dates at Anita’s Studio
9:00 - 10:15 am
Mon April 3
Wed April 5
Fri April 7
Mon April 10
Wed April 12
Fri April 14
Mon April 17
Wed April 19
Fri April 21
Mon April 24
Wed April 26
Fri April 28

Singin' in the rain, Dancin' in the rain...I'm happy again...

I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain… 
(Singing In The Rain lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC)

Friday, February 24, 2017

NIA Dance in March at Anita's Studio

Plans are budding to dance in March

Here are the dates for NIA at Anita’s Studio

Please RSVP ( I will be in Mexico 3/2-3/6 to see Jims’ mom)

3/1 Wed
3/8 Wed
3/10 Fri
3/13 Mon
3/15 Wed
3/17 Fri
3/20 Mon
3/22 Wed 
3/24 Fri
3/27 Mon
3/29 Wed
3/31 Fri

Thank you all for a full February of classes, your presence was delightful.

one heart attracts another,

Monday, January 30, 2017

It's February ~ Wake up and Dance at Anita's Classes



Let’s dance with transparency, clarity and perseverance.

February has me on fire with energy. I am activated to be resilient, brave and honorable.

Join me in this flamboyant fire dance!

2/1 Wed
2/3 Fri
2/6 Mon
2/8 Wed
2/10 Fri
    2/13 Mon
2/15 Wed
2/17 Fri
2/20 Mon
2/22 Wed
2/24 Fri
2/27 Mon

PLEASE RSVP as to the classes you will attend.  Simply place your name by the date and hit reply.



Sunday, January 8, 2017

Anita will be Bringing You the NIA Routine Bring It starting Monday 1/9

Anita will be Bringing You
NIA Routine 
Bring It 
by Holly Nastasi
starting Monday

The focus of Bring It is Nia steps to generate a fitness workout using the primary movement form Jazz – Fun, Showmanship and Expression. Steps are among the tools we use to develop cardiovascular conditioning, along with the use of the three planes and the integration of the pelvis, chest and head. Working barefooted, we must become sensitive to the sensations of our feet during Nia steps. Steps in this routine include the foot techniques of Toes In and Out and Parallel, Heel Lead, Stepping Back on the Ball of the Foot, Ball of the Foot, and Whole Foot. 

Steps can be done in all directions, to the front, the side, the back, in place, across and around the room. Steps are inherently rhythmic so they connect us directly to the rhythms of the music. Steps can be balanced, as in right and left, or they can be one-sided. Steps can be slowed down and sped up. Steps can be large or small, aiding in the practice of Levels 1,2 & 3. We can also create patterns with our steps, adding rhythmic complexity and creativity. 

Steps provide excellent conditioning for all of the muscles of the base, aiding in the fluid experience of stability, as well as the freeing experience of mobility. Through Nia steps we engage with the space around us, keeping us aware of our bodies and our environment. As we step into our feet we find our center, and our ability to travel through time and space. 

Have fun with this routine as you bring your passion and playfulness to your practice. Let’s Bring It! 

See you on the dance floor!