Anita will be Bringing You
NIA Routine
Bring It
by Holly Nastasi
starting Monday
The focus of Bring It is Nia steps to generate a fitness workout using the primary movement form Jazz – Fun, Showmanship and Expression. Steps are among the tools we use to develop cardiovascular conditioning, along with the use of the three planes and the integration of the pelvis, chest and head. Working barefooted, we must become sensitive to the sensations of our feet during Nia steps. Steps in this routine include the foot techniques of Toes In and Out and Parallel, Heel Lead, Stepping Back on the Ball of the Foot, Ball of the Foot, and Whole Foot.
Steps can be done in all directions, to the front, the side, the back, in place, across and around the room. Steps are inherently rhythmic so they connect us directly to the rhythms of the music. Steps can be balanced, as in right and left, or they can be one-sided. Steps can be slowed down and sped up. Steps can be large or small, aiding in the practice of Levels 1,2 & 3. We can also create patterns with our steps, adding rhythmic complexity and creativity.
Steps provide excellent conditioning for all of the muscles of the base, aiding in the fluid experience of stability, as well as the freeing experience of mobility. Through Nia steps we engage with the space around us, keeping us aware of our bodies and our environment. As we step into our feet we find our center, and our ability to travel through time and space.
Have fun with this routine as you bring your passion and playfulness to your practice. Let’s Bring It!
See you on the dance floor!