Summer has finally arrived and it is a beauty.
July and August we will focus on "Through Movement We Find Health"
I am excited to share this focus with you. We will seek the benefits of finding true health in your movement.
Another opportunity to deepen our senses.
July 6 - July 22nd I will offer class on Wednesdays and Fridays only.
And no class 7/1 or 7/4.
Starting July 27nd - Sept 7th I will offer class on Wednesdays only.
No class Wed August 3rd.
Classes will return to the normal MWF schedule starting Sept 12th.
I decided to take this step because I will be traveling more than usual this summer.
And I am noticing many of you are as well.
Keep your practice going by attending class as often as you can.
I have great new music and fun new moves to find health in our movement.
Pleasure and Joy:)