Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Anita is guest teaching at StudioNia in November
Hi all ~
October has been a wonderful month of dancing. Let's continue
radiating the light as we move into the darker months.
I will be in San Diego for a Water Polo Tournament on Oct 29th so
freedance that morning on your own ....
A note about the Wed evening yoga class ~ for now I am putting the
class on hold (no class this evening). My MAC teaching schedule is
expanding and my non-teaching work is expanding ~ all things that I
have been manifesting. If you have yoga credit please contact me.
As well, I have renewed my NIA license and we can legitimately refer
to AM classes as NIA or Anita's NIA. I am content, happy and feel
full circle about this decision and the organization is moving in a
direction that I have always desired for it to.
So we continue to dance and radiate light and love in community as we
love our bodies and love our lives.
Anita :)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Welcome the fall with the internal softness of the breath
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Yoga update and July Schedule
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Pearl #17 Your Wellness Toolbox
That said, recently I have had new student friends join in on my classes. Often times in the new transition I hear "I used to do run or I use to lift weights and that kept my body svelte. I did the this diet and it worked. But it doesn't work anymore." And my first question is "are you still motivated to do those things for your wellness program". And the answer is "No not really but I want the results that I use to get".
So search for something more balanced. Chances are you were only utilizing the physical body to create pleasure and acceptance in life. There are 3 other realms that I would like for you to consider when developing your wellness program: mental
When I approach my wellness program - nutrition and exercise - I touch on each realm - the physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual. I seek out a wellness program to feel clarity that my choices are bringing pleasure into my life at that moment and into the future. I can also look back into the past and say I am satisfied with the movement I just did and what I just ate to nourish my being. Your wellness program is not one thing like pilates or yoga or Nia or running or a diet. It is a toolbox that you go to on any given day to bring pleasure into your life. YOU create your toolbox by constantly learning and exploring new ways to take care of your body. You own your wellness toolbox and you have choices as to what goes in your toolbox. Keep adding to it all the time because the body at a cellular level is changing every moment. And the stimulation of learning is what keeps us alive and well!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Pearl #16 Learn to Heal
My medical doctor is wonderful. He always appreciates that I come in with an investigative sense of what is happening in my body. And he knows his job is to teach me the best way to heal blending my healing modalities and his healing modalities. We both leave with a plan. A plan for healing.
What is your plan for your healing journey? Healing is a journey. Their are many routes we can take on our healing journey. For me, I have a team of healers that I call on depending on my need for healing. Some are alternative therapies others are medical therapies and most often I combine the two. There is a science, a craft and an art to healing. The science is what is happening scientifically to my body. Here is where you investigate, read, go to the doctor and try to understand your body, the symptoms and finally the diagnosis. Understanding your diagnosis allows you to apply your craft in healing. What modalities you will use in your healing and why. What team of healers can you call on to help you heal? Do the modalities offered make since to my body? The third is the art of healing - embracing the healing. This is the journey - the art of knowing your sacred SELF. How you manifest the healing in your journey is the art.
We all need healing ~ the world needs healing daily. At times the healing is outwardly noticeable and other times it is inward and deep inside and hidden. Just take notice and begin to heal physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Happy healing.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Pearl #15 Healing
From the time I started teaching 25 years ago in East Texas, then at Body Moves in Portland Oregon and then onto my own Home Studio many of you over the years
have said "Anita keep it real ~ you don't "guru" yourSELF, you help people connect to their bodies so they can heal and continue to learn about themSELVES, you raise your family, you work, you play, you take care of yourSELF and you continue to learn and grow".
Oh and one other ~ I also get injured. It's ok ~ I am REAL! Yesterday at Timberline I came off the lift and instead of running into the person standing at the bottom of the lift I decided to forsake my body instead of theirs and injured my medial collateral ligament (the inside ligament of my right knee). YES it really does hurt and YES I am hobbling. I am keeping it real.
BUT I did have fun yesterday. Was it worth it - yes it was because this injury is healable and temporary. It will only help me understand mySELF and YOU more.
So I need some time to re-coop. Get intervention from my healers and practice my latest healing triad - meditate, ice and re-organize.
I will not hold class from 2/4-2/8 at my home studio or at the MAC club.
I need one week to assess the movement and range of motion of my right knee and then learn how to teach with an injury while keeping it real.
YES, I know what I am doing I have been here before with other injuries.
I am keeping my head above water (not crying). Remaining positive will help me to heal for longevity. Life is moving along wonderfully in all of the classes I facilitate both morning, evening, at the MAC and the workshops. I am relishing the forward motion. Many of you have e-mailed me that you are bringing new people to class. Just asked them to wait til next Monday 2/11/2010 when we resume class.
Here is what I would like from you:
Keep your forward motion this week - walk, dust off old exercise videos, get some new ones, try a new class, stretch on your own, put some music on and dance, take out an exercise ball out play on it. Expand your movement option this week just like we do in class. Use your body intelligence to creatively move this week. And I welcome your healing thoughts. A person can never have to many!
You are your own sacred teacher and you are a sacred student.
AND I will see you next week starting 2/11/2010.
MAC Club members I will contact Valerie to see you she can facilitate your classes this Tues/Thurs. You will hear from me shortly.
love always
More on healing on Wednesday weekly blogspot
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Pearl #14 Fluidity
I use this concept in my daily movement practice. I encourage my clients to remain fluid about their bodies and to move fluidly in their bodies. I encourage my clients to do the same. I always ask my body to remain fluid no matter how much effort I am asking my body for. There are days when I walk into my class and the clients are bursting with energy. We harness the energy in our joints and stretch every movement as far as we can in the upward and the downward transitions and movements. And on the days when the energy is low we do the exact same ~ again we harness the energy that we have and move as deeply and fully as we can. So on both energy levels the movement is never forced or "blown out". The energy in YOUR body is consistently returned to a place of fluidity. This is how you listen to your body and create a constant flow of energy.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Pearl #13 Diet is not about elimination
Last Saturday, I presented the cleansing workshop to a lovely group. I asked on Wednesday that they check in with me and let me know what they have learned in the first 5 days. I asked the participants to be gluten free and sugar free. I presented this FREE portion in such a way as replacing as opposed to taking away. i offered foods that can be eaten rather than what needs to be eliminated. Well the feedback has been wonderful! From I didn't realize how much sugar I was eating to sleep improvement to how limited I have been in my food choices to I love paying attention to myself on a deeper level.
That's it! Diet is not about elimination. But when I hear, especially in the new year - I am going on a diet. Such a dread and all the things I have to give up. Instead I look at it as a cleanse or a vacation from what I normally do - a change in my nourishment routine. It allows me to experiment with new foods. Expand my taste buds. Try a smorgasbord of yummy things to eat. Then when I end the cleansing my palette, my options, my choices for nourishment have opened up. I am re-energized. Just like taking a vacation!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Pearl #12 Openness of the foot
Feet can carry tension and clench just like your teeth can or your neck or your shoulders. Your feet are like a diagnostic tool for the body. If your toes are drawn in and clenching I can assure something else is drawn in and clenching in your body. When you sit at your computer do you draw your feet in at the arch as you think? Try to think and relax your feet. Unlock the sole of the feet my moving the spaces in between the bones of the feet. As you walk do you allow the feet to relax into the earth or do you drive the heels into the earth causing tension and forget to stretch and naturally roll through the center and up an away into the balls of the feet?
Feel your feet so that you can feel your body. This contact provides you with constant feedback. The majority of the day your feet are in contact with the earth. When you are at your desk or home or outside shed your shoes, wiggle your toes, flex the ball of your foot, lift your arches and free up your soles!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Pearl #11 The feet again
Stand with your feet parallel. Notice the distance between your feet. Just notice. Feel your hipbones - the body part of the top of the hip - the sensitive edge of the front of the hip that we often bump into a countertop - ouch! From your hipbone slide your hand down the front of the thigh in a straight line. If you are to the left or right of the center of your thigh then you are either standing too wide or too narrow. We want the line from the hipbone to the knee to be a straight line. If you are to narrow or to wide start the adjustment in the stance from the heel not the ball of the foot. Adjusting from the heel will release the back of the body - allowing the body to receive the adjustment without any tension. Now move your ball of the foot to line up with the heel. There you are now standing parallel and hip width apart. Notice how your buttocks release and when the buttocks release the lower back gently follows it's natural curve. The body is relaxed and standing in its four corners with the feet openly planted on the ground. Wiggle your toes and enjoy the rise through your whole body!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Pearl #10 The ribcage
fruits, veggies, rice, meats, fish, dairy and nuts. Try it for 5 days. See how you feel. Often times this will create more balance in your nourishment of your body.
Now onto the ribcage. As you inhale not only allow your ribs to rise from their base but also allow the complete ribcage to expand especially along the edge of the collarbone. Now as you exhale release the breath but maintain the lengthening and expansion of the ribcage. There now feel the self-carriage. The body weight of my chest is lifted and relaxed and independent of my body weight of my pelvis. Their connection is through my spine and the soft tissue in my lower core - organs, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fluid. When I allow my ribcage to float and to feel the buoyancy from the air in my lungs I create self carriage in my middle core. I get off of the seat of my pelvis. Breathe in and rise and expand. Breathe out and extend and release as you open and create self carriage in the ribs.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Pearl #9 Try something new with your Body
I encourage you to try something new. And when you do, go with as much joy and confidence as you can muster during those humble and fumbling times of learning.
After my dance class today I took a basic yoga class. I've done yoga for awhile. It was a wonderful class. I allowed myself to completely take it in and feel every movement as if it were for the first time. And it was for the first time because I was truly in the moment. Try as many things as you can. Why limit yourSELF . Judgement will not serve you. If you want to return to love in your body then give it different experiences. Go and play!
Tomorrow we will get to the self-carriage in the ribs - I promise.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Pearl #8 The Direction of the Navel
You want to maintain the natural, beautiful curvature of the lower spine while lengthening the lower spine with a little help from the tailbone and the navel. It is a physical movement just not a huge amount of movement. imagine the pressure of a wet rag on the navel. Not to much not to little - the Goldilocks principal.
Simply follow the direction of the tailbone to the navel up the front of the body. I know it's happening ~ now the ribcage wants to lift off of the navel and and create self-carriage in the body. More to come on the ribcage in Pearl #9.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Pearl #7 Impulsion Through the Tailbone
At the tail of the spine is the coccyx which is the bony fused spine that tips forward or curves underneath us like a little hand scooping you forward. Go ahead and stand up and bring your tailbone through. Feel the the engagement of your lower core and the forward motion it creates. Now walk with the tailbone coming through towards the pubic bone. We are not clenching the buttocks or tightening. We are just allowing our tailbone to through move through the front of the body towards the pubic bone to create impulsion or forward motion. Allow your legs to lengthen their stride and release the front of the hips and legs. Feel the shifting of each stride ride up the spine into the shoulder and down the spine into the hip. Keep lengthening your stride by bringing your tailbone through - no need to clench the buttocks. Open at your solar plexus and clavicle and feel the forward motion. This is impulsion through the tailbone. Practice, practice, practice.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Pearl #6 Feeling Tired ? Realign yourSelf
Friday, January 8, 2010
Pearl #5 RELAX
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Pearl #4 Stand in the four corners of your body...
Stand up and place your feet parallel and hip width apart. Now lift your toes off of the earth. There! I am sure your body rocked slightly back which tells you how much standing you were doing in the front of your body. Possibly your core engaged - especially your lower belly. Your solar plexus rose and lifted your ribcage which then opened your collarbone.
Stand in the four corners of your feet. Lift your toes. Notice how your body stacks itself differently - a little more balanced between the front, back, sides and top and bottom. It's easy - standing in the grocery store line lift your toes in your shoes (yes there is room - there better be or you need new shoes). Allow the instep of your foot to awaken, spread and lift and follow that sensation all the way up through your body out the top of the head. Now that's better - nothing had to lock and hold. The body said "thank you" for engaging. Try walking and lifting your toes - I know you can. The toes are tentacles. Seekers of information. The ball and heel of the foot are informational thoroughfares.
We want to feel the balance of our body weight between the ball of the foot and our heel. Feel the four corners of your feet. Lift the toes and feel how the pelvis, chest and head lengthen and suddenly realize they have four corners as well. Try this - lift the toes notice if tension releases elsewhere in your body. Did it? Become aware of how one movement behavior effects another relationship in your body.
It's simple and can be done anytime. Do it in the morning right when you step out of bed. AND connect 5 deep breaths to this practice. Take the moment before you head into the shower or have your tea. This is how you create a practice. Now go and lift your toes and stand in the four corners of your body!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Pearl #3: A little is better than none at all
Here is why I stress the importance of "a little is better than none at all". Even if you get only 10 minutes of movement you are setting a pattern into place - a behavioral change is occurring. The 10 minutes of movement still releases endorphins, relaxes and opens your body and sets a precedence to do this AGAIN. Our bodies love to move - really you do like to move. So when you give the body a little movement and then a little more you create a craving - a positive craving. Hmmm, that felt good for 10 minutes maybe next time I can make it to class for 20 minutes. A little is better than nothing at all. By the way, I have a bite of chocolate everyday. I love it and a little is better than leaving myself feeling resentful that I can't have something. And then suddenly one day having and emotional outbursts and eating every last crumb of chocolate in the cupboard. BALANCE!
So if you have 10 minutes left on your lunch break and not the 30 minutes you thought you had for a walk, go anyway and create positive patterns for yourSELF. We are all trying our best to live a balanced, healthy life and there are days when time just gets away from us or the weather doesn't cooperate or.... Sit on the floor and stretch, put on a favorite song and dance around the living room (the average length of a song is about 5 minutes). That's a nice amount of time to start with. Have fun with your practice!